Golden State of Mind | California May 2016 – Concordia, Missouri Photographer

Towards the end of May, a large portion of my Dad’s side of the family traveled to California for my cousin’s graduation. Other than the horrendous debacle of a delayed flight causing a seven-hour layover in Denver, it was a great time.

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Squirt riding on Mimi’s suitcase and on our first plane of the day – his first time ever on a plane!

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Squirt during our seven-hour layover in Denver.

The mountain town we visited was so idyllic and photogenic, I had a hard time putting my camera down.

Concordia Missouri Photographer

The house we stayed in for our time in the mountains. Such a cool house with an amazing view.

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Noelle gave Tess her graduation presents the night before her ceremony. Some real sibling interactions were captured before the sentimental moments of actually giving/receiving presents.

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She was so excited when opening her presents.

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Concordia Missouri Photographer

Saturday morning was spent preparing for the ceremony and celebration later in the evening.

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Little guy was having a blast with the marbles.

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Concordia Missouri Photographer

The location of Tess’s graduation was an outdoor amphitheater with a parachute awning that I don’t think I’d be able to describe without a picture.

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Concordia Missouri Photographer

Tess walking into to graduation with Valkyrie horns to honor the school her sisters graduated from.

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Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

The graduation celebration took place in Kim and Dan’s backyard, complete with barbecue, a bar and a cotton candy machine the kids LOVED.

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Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

We were able to go for a hike the day before we left and it was unbelievably beautiful. I had to stop so many time to take pictures of the gorgeous views.

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Concordia Missouri Photographer

Concordia Missouri Photographer

It was such an amazing time getting to visit some place we had never been and it was so beautiful. I was happy to be able to spend the weekend with family and celebrate Tess’s graduation.



filed under

June 5, 2016



  1. Grandma says:

    This was great Kelsey

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