Wedding day timeline tips for a photography friendly day | Missouri wedding photographer | Light + Airy wedding photography

One of the questions I get from clients quite often is, “Do you help us with the timeline?” And yes, I love to give wedding day timeline tips to make your day as photo friendly as possible, AND to work with you and/or your planner to create that timeline. I’m here to help your day be everything you dreamed it would be!! Don’t forget to snag my free guide with some wedding day timeline tips! 

Wedding day timeline tips for a photography friendly day | Missouri wedding photographer | Light + Airy wedding photography | Kelsey Alumbaugh Photography | #kcwedding #kansascityweddingphotography #kcweddingphotos #missouriwedding

A first look

A first look is definitely one way to make your wedding day timeline more photo-friendly. We get to capture as many of the must-have portraits as possible before the ceremony, meaning we won’t be rushed afterwards. If you missed it, last week I shared 3 reasons why I love a first look on a wedding day! 

Wedding day timeline tips for a photography friendly day | Missouri wedding photographer | Light + Airy wedding photography | Kelsey Alumbaugh Photography | #kcwedding #kansascityweddingphotography #kcweddingphotos #missouriwedding

Plenty of time for portraits

With or without a first look, we want to make sure we are including plenty of time for portraits. And we need to account for any drive time if we are switching locations. Portrait time is about 2 hours of a wedding day (including family formal photos), and whether that happens before or after is something we will work on together. Even without a first look, we can take photos of the bride + bridesmaids and then the groom + groomsmen to knock those out before the ceremony and save time after. 

Wedding day timeline tips for a photography friendly day | Missouri wedding photographer | Light + Airy wedding photography | Kelsey Alumbaugh Photography | #kcwedding #kansascityweddingphotography #kcweddingphotos #missouriwedding

A family formal list

This one is super important! I really need a list of who we are taking family photos with to make this as smooth and efficient as possible. I provide my clients with a sample list to get them started, and love when they include the names of the members of their families. This way I can call out names versus “MOTHER OF THE BRIDE!” to let people know it’s their time for photos. 

Wedding day timeline tips for a photography friendly day | Missouri wedding photographer | Light + Airy wedding photography | Kelsey Alumbaugh Photography | #kcwedding #kansascityweddingphotography #kcweddingphotos #missouriwedding

I hope this was helpful for you and full of wedding day timeline tips to help your day run smoothly! If you’d like for me to capture your wedding memories, I’d love for you to contact me HERE

Want to get in touch?

I am so excited you found me! And I hope you loved these wedding day timeline tips for a photography friendly day! Just so you to know your email is going to make my day, and I’ll probably do a little happy dance when it hits my inbox. I love email because it helps me keep all our important conversations in one place versus spreading the conversation out over email, text, Instagram DMs, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, etc. You can expect to hear from me within 24 hours. You can contact me here, or just shoot me an email at

wedding wisdom

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May 23, 2022




A lot of moving pieces go into planning a wedding day timeline and I know it's easy to feel like a hot mess! Grab my free guide to plan the perfect timeline for your day. 

FREE GUIDE: 5 tips for an

amazing Wedding
Day Timeline

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