Thirty things about being a Mama

I am loving being Wynn’s Mama, and I know I have so many favorite things, and some things I’ve learned. But I don’t know if I’ve learned 3o things or can really hone in on thirty different favorite from the past five months without sounding redundant. So I’ve decided to share 15 things I’ve learned, and 15 of my favorite things! This is part of my series of 30 things since I turned 30 at the beginning of the year!

15 things I’ve learned as a first time mom

  1. It takes a village. I am a bit of a control freak, and so it was really hard for me to admit to needing help.
  2. You have to make time for yourself. Being Wynn’s Mama is amazing, but I needed to find times to do things for me as well. And that’s where the village really comes in handy.
  3. All babies grow at their own pace. Wynn has been growing quickly and has teeth, but took a while to roll from front to back. Babies shouldn’t be compared to each other.
  4. Buy things in bulk – and not just for the baby. Toothpaste, laundry detergent, stain remover, paper towels, etc., because you never know when you’re going to run out and tired, forgetful mom brain is a thing.
  5. Diaper subscriptions are LIFE SAVERS. We love Hello Bello!
  6. Don’t wait for someone to offer to take a picture of you and your baby if you want one. Yes, we all want the candid photos too, but I will take any photos with Wynn over no photos. Sometimes when I want the more candid photos of us, I will give Justin a heads up. Just a simple, “Hey, please take pictures of Wynn and I during bedtime tonight.” Communication is everything.
  7. Everything is a phase. The baby blues, the middle of the night feedings, the sore nipples (sorry if TMI, but #truth), and the sleep deprivation all pass.
  8. But, the good phases pass, too. The sleep anywhere newborn phase, the constant cuddles phase, the middle of the night feedings (wasn’t a fan of getting up, but I loved nursing a sleepy, cuddly Wynn) – they all pass, so soak them up.
  9. Buy things before you’re ready to start using them – like sleep suits or sacks, medicines. It sucks to need them in the middle of the night and not have them.
  10. Have formula in the house even if you’re breast feeding. I think I’ve been so lucky with it because we bought some within days of bringing Wynn home, and I was able to relax and not worry about my baby being fed, which helped with my supply. We haven’t had to open it, but it’s there just in case.
  11. Take so many photos because they change so quickly. I know I said get in them earlier, but just take so many photos. It’s important enough to pretty much list twice. And don’t forget videos of their little sounds and as they learn tricks or babble more.
  12. You know your baby, and you are the best parent for your baby. Don’t let what someone else is doing rain on your parade. For us, we love having a schedule, and we are sticklers about it. But that might stress some parents out to no end. Do what works for you.
  13. Really think about what you need before leaving the house. I haven’t figured out the Goldilocks zone of packing yet. I keep finding myself with either too much stuff, or wishing I’d packed something we left at home. And this is usually because I’m in a hurry to get out the door. So it’s either “GRAB ALL THE THINGS!” or snatch the diaper bag (which we keep packed with necessities) and run.
  14. Take time to just talk to your baby, and spend time looking at them. I try to do this with Wynn in the morning after his feeding, and it’s one of my favorite times of the day.
  15. We give Wynn bedtime compliments. I read somewhere that complimenting your baby can help with their self-esteem later in life, and if it’s wrong, I mean what does it hurt to tell Wynn all these good things before bed? So we tell him he’s brave, smart, kind, important, funny, sweet, and whatever other compliments we think of that day while we zip up his sleep sack for the night and the smile he beams up at me while I zip him up makes it all worth it.

15 favorite things about being Wynn’s Mama

  1. Making him smile!
  2. Watching as he learns new things.
  3. Getting to spend time with him
  4. Sharing him with our families
  5. Doing new things together, like going golfing.
  6. Teaching him new things – peek a boo, baby sign language, how to put a pacifier in his mouth – all the things!
  7. Bath time – he love to get his toys and just smiles at us the whole time.
  8. Going on walks together because he loves being outside.
  9. How sweet he is – he gives the best hugs and snuggles.
  10. His kisses – even if they are a little slobbery.
  11. Nursing him and getting to spend that time together
  12. Laying on the floor with him to play
  13. The way he smiles when he sees me come into a room
  14. Holding him as he naps – not always, but I do love some baby snuggles.
  15. Just being his mom – I don’t know how else to say it. It’s everything.

Want to get in touch?

If you’d like to book your session or wedding, you can contact me at kelsey(at)kelseyalumbaugh(dot)com. Check out my Instagram @kelseyalumbaugh ! And like me on Facebook to see the latest blog posts. 🙂 If you’re curious about the investment, you can check that info out here, but please feel free to reach out so we can better address your photography needs.


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May 23, 2020




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