The Story of Us: 115 days until we say “I do!” – Concordia, Missouri Photographer

Well, the countdown continues. We have 115 days until we say “I do!” and  I am so over planning, if we’re being honest here – which we totally can be since I am in charge of this blog. 🙂 Don’t get me wrong, I am still over the moon excited for our big day, but wedding planning is a lot, guys. There are seriously SOOOOO many details. I know I just said I loved the planning not that long ago, but it turned on me. Oh it turned with a vengeance.

There’s loving getting things together and imagining how it will all look and planning in the abstract that is awesome. Now, however, is the decision-making time. Invitations, table decorations, programs, hair style, drink selection…. so many choices to make in less than four months. It’s crazy!

Photo by The Grays Photography

The checklist

We still have quite a few things to cross off the checklist, but we have booked all of our vendors … I believe. Don’t quote me on that maybe? I hope I’m not forgetting something. We are working to get decorations ironed out, attire for all in the wedding party and family decided upon, and invitations (that I still have not ordered), and I could seriously go on forever it feels.

Things we do have:

Not going to lie, listing it all out like that made be feel quite a bit better! We may have a bit more done than I thought. 🙂

The countdown

So, I’ve attached a little countdown to the post, in case you aren’t happening upon it when it is actually 115 days away. And hopefully,  we have accomplished a little bit more by the time you read this. 🙂

Want to get in touch?

If you’d like to book your session or wedding, you can contact me at kelsey(at)kelseyalumbaugh(dot)com. Check out my Instagram @kelseyalumbaugh ! I’ve been working curating my feed, so let me know if you see the pattern! And like me on Facebook to see the latest blog posts and wedding updates. 🙂 If you’re curious about the investment, you can check that info out here, but please feel free to reach out so I can better address your photography needs.

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Kelsey Alumbaugh Photography

filed under

June 13, 2017




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