Project365 – Week 13

Day eight-five: August 27, 2015. The weather has been amazing this past week. Windows open at night and our A/C has been off. The view on my way into work Thursday morning was incredible. The photo does it little justice.

Concordia MO photographer

Day eighty-six: August 28, 2015. Trying to experience with lighting, and Banner was a somewhat willing subject tonight. He was quite playful.

Concordia MO photographer


Day eighty-seven: August 29, 2015. I met up with my friend Spencer at the Lexington Community Fair this evening. The rides were lined up all down the street, and with all the cars framing the Paratrooper ride, I just thought it was a nice shot. As a Missouri photographer, especially one from a small town, I always want to capture the things that make small town life unique.

Concordia MO photographer


Day eighty-eight: August 30, 2015. We have been so productive this Sunday. My parents came to our house and helped us get the ice maker set up again, as well as a dryer (ours was taking a bit long to get the clothes dry) and an extra refrigerator to use for drinks and food if we are going to be entertaining. We cleaned up the house and backyard as well – which involved getting to use our fire pit.



We also purchased some new chew bones for Banner and I think they are adorable!

Concordia MO photographer

Day eighty-nine: August 31, 2015. I had this little cutie’s two-year-old session tonight. She wasn’t much for smiling, but she is always adorable. Justin came with us for the session. He was a great “assistant.” Emmy’s parents are good friends of ours, so afterwards we went out for dinner together. Emmy was more excited about chips and salsa all night than she was to be in front of the camera.

Concordia MO photographer


Day ninety: September 1, 2015. My rubber stamp from Lumi came in this week and I have been stamping everything. If you haven’t heard of Lumi, check them out at They are really reasonably priced and so great!

Concordia MO photographer

Day ninety-one: September 2, 2015. Today is my Grandpa’s birthday so we went to his and Grandma’s house for some cake and ice cream. The boys always have so much fun getting to play together. They sang “Happy Birthday” and helped Grandpa blow out his candles.

Will was playing on the steps before cake and ice cream and I just had to grab a couple shots.

Concordia MO photographer


Concordia MO photographer


They boys enjoyed eating their cake and ice cream with Grandpa Frank. I love my family and this night full of love was definitely one to remember.

Concordia MO photographer


Also, gorgeous view again this morning!

Concordia MO photographer


filed under

September 2, 2015



  1. Amanda says:

    What I love about seeing 365 projects is what people do daily. Nothing is staged, or posed, just life. Love this week’s 365!

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