Andy & Kate part 2 {Engagement} – Missouri Engagement Photographer

Andy and Kate wanted to capture some fall photos with their engagement session, so we chose to break their session into two parts, with one in July (on the hottest day ever) and another earlier in October.

missouri engagement photographer

Our first stop was by the lake at Andy’s parent’s house where he proposed to Kate. I love when the location can add a special meaning to the photos, especially engagement photos. We tried to utilize the many different areas of our location to the best of our ability. For the following photos, we just went into the brush being used for the background in the above photos.

missouri engagement photographer

Funny side note: Lucy, Andy and Kate’s dog, was with us for the whole shoot and didn’t want to be left in the car. Andy finally decided to tie her to a small tree, only to have his slick-bottomed boots slide right out from under him. Kate and I looked at each other with large eyes, and then like the mature person I am, had to turn around to laugh.

missouri engagement photographer

We also stopped at a barn on the property and took some of my favorite photos ever. I am a sucker for a dip photo, and I love that we were able to make this happen for them. When there is a large height difference, some shots become a bit tricky.

missouri engagement photographer

We also went to Confederate Park, a park in Higginsville near the Veteran’s Cemetery that has a one- to two-mile loop that is full of gorgeous trees that were changing colors. As a Missouri engagement photographer, fall photos with the beautiful leaves are a must.

missouri engagement photographer

We got Lucy out for these photos. It was my first session with a pet (taking pictures of my dog doesn’t count), and I was having a hard time getting her to focus on me.

I also made sure to get a ring shot and tried to style it off of some examples Kate had sent me.

missouri engagement photographer

Kelsey Alumbaugh Photography

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October 30, 2015




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