Kopp {Family} – Concordia, Missouri Photographer

Over Labor Day weekend, I went out to the Kopp farm for an evening of family photos. I always have a great time with the Kopps, and loved getting to spend an incredible golden hour with them. It’s great when I get to photograph in a new location, and we had so many options to work with.

family photography higginsville missouri

We started near one of the corn fields, and the sun was creating a gorgeous haze over the top of the field. I adore the cozy, fall style of their outfits and could not be happier with how well everything coordinated. It is great when clients coordinate instead of match because I feel it adds more visual interest to the photos. The combination of colors, textures and patterns creates a look that works well together. It also let’s them express a bit of personality instead of all wearing the same outfit.

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lafayette county mo photographer

higginsville missouri family photographer

The warm light coming through the trees at golden hour is part of why I love being a Concordia, Missouri photographer. It makes me so happy capture family photos in these gorgeous locations with such great people.

concordia mo family photographer

family photographer concordia missouri

We were able to get Zeus, the family dog, to hang out for a photo briefly. who The energetic 15-year-old husky quickly ran away to play with an ear of corn.

family photography higginsville missouri

The light was just so incredible Monday evening, and our options for photo locations seemed endless. I couldn’t get enough of the dreamy lighting. Family photography is one of my favorite things to capture. I enjoy seeing how families interact and laugh with one another.

concordia mo photographer

concordia mo family photography

It is great whenever sentimental or emotional locations are a part of the photos. In this case, the Kopp’s home is shown in the background, and the lane they drive up to return there in the photo below.

concordia mo photography

It was an evening full of laughter and joking, albeit a bit on warm side. However, in my opinion, it was the perfect evening for some great family photography.

concordia mo photographer

concordia mo photography

To book your session, contact me here or email me at kelsey(at)rockybranchphotography(dot)com. You can see more of my work on Instagram @rockybranchphoto (www.instagram.com/rockybranchphoto) and follow me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/rockybranchphotography . I look forward to hearing from you!

Kelsey Alumbaugh Photography

filed under

September 7, 2016




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