The Story of Us: How we met – Concordia, Missouri Photographer

It was the summer after I graduated from the University of Missouri, and I was going on a float trip with a friend. It was my first (and only) float trip, and the girl I went with was the only person on the trip that I knew.

I met many new people that weekend, but Justin was the one that stuck with me. We introduced ourselves and a few of us stayed up late talking around the bonfire. I remember telling the girl I was with as we pulled up that I thought Justin was cute.

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Our first photo together that I can find. A friends wedding in 2013 🙂 Look at his face!

The next day we sat by each other on the rafts and talked some more. Justin will tell you I tried to drown him. I’ll admit to pushing him off the raft, and subsequently dunking him. I have no moves other than sarcasm and sass, so I suppose playground rules it was. We were on a ten-mile float, and it took forever. I may have taken a three-hour nap and used him as a pillow. When we arrived back at the camp, we spent the rest of the evening talking and getting to know each other.

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Royals game – 2013

Someone had taken a picture of us on the raft, but it wasn’t on my camera, and I haven’t been able to find it since. Looking back, you never know how important a moment is at the time. The Kelsey from 2012 had no way of knowing that she would meet her future husband on that trip, and that is wild to think about.

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Street fair – 2013

The following February, Justin met my family. I invited him to the annual Rotary Banquet in Higginsville, where he not only met my parents, but several members of my family. This coming February will be our fifth time attending the Rotary Banquet together.

A lot has happened since the summer of 2012, and I am oh so excited for everything that comes next. 🙂

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Another wedding – 2013

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MU football game 2013

Another wedding (so many that year!) – 2013

To book your session you can contact me at kelsey(at)rockybranchphotography(dot)com, or visit my contact page. Follow @rockybranchphoto on Instagram to see the more photos and like me on Facebook at to see more of my work.

Kelsey Alumbaugh Photography

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November 30, 2016




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