Limited edition sprinkler sessions – Concordia, Missouri Photographer

One of my favorite childhood memories is playing in the sprinkler in the front yard with my little sister. We had the sprinkler with three spouts that spun around, and the one that was about a foot long and rotated back and forth, probably offering the most actual yard watering. It was always so fun to run around the front yard and chase each other through the sprinklers.

Sprinkler Sessions – Squirt from Kelsey on Vimeo.

I’d like to offer limited edition sprinkler sessions this summer as a way to guarantee you have those memories of your children running around and playing in the water. The limited edition sessions include 10 digital images and a video from the experience.

Concordia, Missouri Photographer

Limited edition sprinkler sessions – Rocky Branch Photography

Concordia, Missouri Photographer

Limited edition sprinkler sessions – Rocky Branch Photography

Sessions cost $200 and must be paid for prior to the session. There are 10 slots available for the limited edition sprinkler sessions on August 13, 2016.

Concordia, Missouri Photographer

Concordia, Missouri Photographer

Concordia, Missouri Photographer

Concordia, Missouri Photographer

To book your session you can contact me at kelsey(at)rockybranchphotography(dot)com, or visit my contact page. Follow @rockybranchphoto on Instagram to see the more photos and like me on Facebook at to see more of my work.

Kelsey Alumbaugh Photography

filed under

July 28, 2016




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